That said – we do have much to be excited about and we’re grateful to have several creative and business nuts (just a bad winter pun – no direct reference to entities mentioned below!) stored up for Spring 2010. Here’s a teaser:

Expanding our retail locations:
Living Tree Botanicals is heading north by north west, as well as east to Vermont and Massachusettes by way of Small Potatoes Sales & Marketing. Martin Butts is the founder of this dynamic new company working with New York producers of very fine goods for eating, sudsing, and now, with LTB – preening (the good, healthy kind). You can watch our retail location list grow by staying tuned to our website, and also check out the Small Potatoes blog at:

You’ll notice small but important changes to our catalogue. The 2010 issue will feature LivingTree Botanicals’ full-line of products (including 2 new products and our daily ritual mini-kits for face and body). And, to better help clients both new and old find what works to love their skin, love their self, love their world: a new system of symbols for various skin-types.To request a new LTB catalogue hot off the press, please e-mail:
Yes – Living Tree Botanicals is artisanal skin care for a modern world. Not that we feel the need to prove it, but it helps that Laura Kirar and Richard Frazier of Tru Design in Manhattan, New York feel the same way. Tru Design hand-picked LTB as the exclusive skin care line to “accessorize” the model unit of the uber sleek and modern 166 Perry St. condos. So, if you’re in the market for a New York city condo – hurry! There are only four units left. If you’re looking for an incredibly talented designer, here’s Laura Kirar:
And if a NYC condo isn’t within reach, at least skin care perfect for life in a modern world is:

Tea for ?
We can’t say too much about this nut quite yet (we’re big on the under-promise/over-deliver thing) – but let’s just say that the leaves of Living Tree Botanicals will soon be blended with tea in truly exciting ways. This new venture involves retailing LTB in a beautifully designed space we can call our own, a new product launch, and well, gorgeous artisanal tea. Not to mention a big soiree to kick off summer 2010.
Our collaborator in this? Here’s a clue: She’s the best tea designer we know, with unparalleled taste, panache, and vision. First person to fill in the blanks for this tea proprietess’ company gets a free LTB sample of the new product when it’s ready: ___ (3 letters) Tea. E-mail with your best guess.